automatic funds transfer — A transfer of funds from one account or investment vehicle to another using electronic or telecommunications technology. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Electronic Funds Transfer Act — The Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Act, also known as Regulation E, was implemented in the US in 1978 to establish the rights and liabilities of consumers as well as the responsibilities of all participants in EFT activities… … Wikipedia
electronic funds transfer — Form of electronic commerce that operates through debit cards that enable the automatic transfer of funds from a user s bank account … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
Electronic Funds Transfer Act — A federal law that protects consumers engaged in the transfer of funds through electronic methods. This includes the use of debit cards, automated teller machines and automatic withdrawals from a bank account. The act also provides a means of… … Investment dictionary
electronic funds transfer at point of sale — EFTPOS The automatic debiting of a purchase price from the customer s bank or credit card account by a computer link between the checkout till and the bank or credit card company. The system depends on a customer s plastic card, which is ‘swiped’ … Accounting dictionary
electronic funds transfer at point of sale — EFTPOS The automatic debiting of a purchase price from the customer s bank or credit card account by a computer link between the checkout till and the bank or credit card company. The system can only work when the customer has a debit card or… … Big dictionary of business and management
automatic transfer service account — automatic transfer service ( ATS) account A depositor s saving account from which funds may be transferred automatically to the same depositor s checking account to cover a check written or to maintain a minimum balance. Bloomberg Financial… … Financial and business terms
Automatic Transfer Service - ATS — A banking service offered to customers that has both a general and specific meaning. On a general level, it can mean any automatic transfer of funds between customer accounts. For example, a regular transfer from a checking account to pay off a… … Investment dictionary
Automatic Transfer Of Funds — A standing banking arrangement whereby transfers from a customer s account are made on a regular, periodic basis without further instruction or action by the customer. The most common automatic transfer of funds are through sweep instructions,… … Investment dictionary
Automatic Savings Plan — A type of personal savings system in which the plan contributor automatically deposits a fixed amount of funds at specified intervals into their investment account. The typical structure of this type of savings system is an automatic transfer… … Investment dictionary
Automatic transfer service account — An automatic transfer service account is a deposit account that allows the transfer of funds from a savings account to a checking account in order to cover a check written or to maintain a minimum balance … Wikipedia